Timeline of Dritte Kompanie Pionier Batalion (Württembergisches) Nr.13
during their deployment and combat actions on the Western Front from 4th August through 18th December 1918
7th through 11th August 1914
Transport to the deployment area of the 5th Army near Diedenhofen (Lorraine). Construction of the Moselle crossings at Niederham, Monhofen and Kattenhofen together with the 1st Field Pioneer Company / PB 143 and the 3rd Field Pioneer Company / PB 13 (Kattenhofen).
11th through 17th August 1914
Bridge service and road construction in the deployment area.
18th August through 11th September 1914
Advance through Luxembourg and Belgium to northern France: First fights with free-skirmishers at Mont St. Martin (August 20, 1914). Capture of the fortress of Longwy (August 20-25, 1914). Battle of Brandeville (August 29, 1914). Construction of a bridge over the Meuse near Sassey (29 to 30 August 1914). Night attack on the Vaux-Marie-Ferme (9 to 10 September 1914).
12th through 19th September 1914
Unit march back to the north.
30th September through the end of 1915
Deployed in positional (trench) warfare in the Argonne near Binarville: Construction of positions and restoration of positions and routes destroyed by artillery fire. Operation of mine and cargo launchers. Support of infantry in patrol enterprises. Repelling a major French attack (24 to 25 September 1915).
Beginning of January through the end of July 1916
Deployed in Flanders off Ypres (Tenbrielen): Construction and drainage works in the Flanders position, maintenance of the canal bridges, construction of concrete shelters.
End of July through the end of August 1916
Participation in the Battle of Morval and Ginchy: Construction of a station on the Ginchy–Leuzewald–Combles line. Repelling a British attack in the front line (August 18, 1916).
End of August through the middle of November 1916
Position and route construction in the Wytschaetebogen near St. Eloi.
Middle of November through January 1917
Use in positional (Trench) combat on the Somme at Fins: Production of tunnel constructions in the crescent and hollow way bar at Silly-Saillisel.
February 1917
Rest time at Caudry.
Beginning of April through 7th May 1917
Postponement to the Bullecourt–Riencourt section for the defense of the British spring offensive at Arras: Repelling an Australian tank attack at Arras (April 11, 1917). Parade for the 100th anniversary of the pioneer battalion No. 13 (May 1, 1917). Repelling renewed British attacks on the division section (May 3 and 4, 1917).
10th May through the middle of August 1917
Deployed in the Battle of Flanders at the group Ypres.
Middle of September through 9th October 1917
Use in border protection against Holland near Ghent.
9th October through November 1917
Deployed in positional (trench) combat in Flanders near Staden.
November 1917 through the beginning of February 1918
Relocation to the Vosges front near Mulhouse: Training for the spring battle (Spring Offensive) in France.
Beginning of February through 2nd March 1918
Positional construction and masking (deception operations) work at Cambrai.
March 1918
Training in the support of artillery in proceeding over positions and funnel grounds for the spring battle (Spring Offensive) in France.
21st March through 17th May 1918
Participation in the Great Battle (Spring Offensive) in France: Storming of the English positions at Honnecourt (March 21, 1918). Advance to the Ancre (until the beginning of April 1918). Construction of positions in the new front line (Delvillewald), which was reached by April 1918.
19th May through 10 July 1918
Rest and training at St. Amand.
Combined Operations in conjunction with the remainder of the Battalion
Middle of July 1918
Transfer to Linselles north of Lille to participate in the “Hagen offensive”: Participation in the enterprise “Delousing” (from July 21, 1918). Repelling the enemy’s breakthrough at Morlancourt and covering the retreat of the 27th Infantry Division (August 8 to 29, 1918).
29th August through the end of October 1918
Transfer to Spincourt near Verdun and prepare for the expected major American attack.
End of October through 11th November 1918
Move to the area of Stenay on the Meuse to repel strong American attacks: Ammunition supplies to the battle line. Retreat to the right bank of the Meuse and bridge the Chiers at Fromy. Preparation of the blasting of the Chiers bridges.
Returning to Württemberg and demobilization
14th November through 12th December 1918
March back over Belgium and Luxembourg to the Westerwald. The 3rd Field Pioneer Company was assigned to guard the prisoners and began the return march on 16 November 1918.
12th December 1918
Return transport of the older unit personnel to the replacement battalion in Ulm on the Danube.
12th December through 17th December 1918
Return march of the personnel born 1896 to 1899 to Jagstfeld (OA. Neckarsulm).
17th December 1918
Return transport of the younger personnel to Ulm on the Danube.
18th December 1918
Arrival in Ulm on the Danube.